A critical strongpoint for the Parawhite range
is the combination of technical support and robust
application trials conducted at our very own fully
equipped lab. Needless to say, they go a long
way, in helping you get the very degree of whiteness
you desire.
Having known various process conditions, both
in India and globally, we at Paramount are familiar
with the intricacies involved in all three industries
- viz. detergents, paper and textiles.
Coupled with extensive knowledge on behaviour
of OBAs under different conditions, we specially
design trials to give you comparative analysis
with optical graphs.
Broadly our technical services include 'Shade
matching', 'Targeted brightening / whitening',
and 'Suggesting suitable OBA grades to suit varying
process conditions'.
If need be we can also involve technologists,
who have incisive knowledge in specific industries,
and involve them in plant trials.